Dear Members: 

Welcome to our newest members, who have signed up in February and March. Thank you so much for joining us in this exciting endeavour. We now have a membership of 170+. 

The Halifax Women’s History Society and its first project, A Woman on the Waterfront, is pleased to announce that renowned Canadian artist Mary Pratt has agreed to be our Honorary Art Committee Chair. We are delighted that she is excited about our project and has accepted this honorary position.

Our Annual General Meeting is next week, Thursday, April 16, at 2 p.m. at the Women’s Council House at the corner of Inglis and Young. One item of business is that the Society’s By-Laws need to be approved (we originally used the Registry of Joint Stock Companies template and have now tailored the by-laws to suit our mandate). These can be found on our web site at Pull down the “About” tab at the top of the Home Page and find the by-laws in several formats.

We have recently added some stories and materials to the web site. Pull down the “Untold Story” tab at the top of the home page to access these. As well as short historical essays on a number of topics, we have posted “There Too Go I,” a 1941 wartime documentary about the work of the Canadian Red Cross.

We hope to see many of you at the AGM and will be in touch soon with announcements about a location for our monument, The Volunteers/Les Bénévoles, and a date for our official launch this fall.

Mary Somers, Communication Chair